What is me? My body and mind, body mind and energy/soul, even more, or none of it at all.
The way I perceive who I am makes an interesting object of investigation in its own right. It is something I have been attempting to qualify over the years, at least since I discovered new feelings and sensations previously unknown, I experienced parts of “myself” I didn’t know.
An approximate analysis of this fascinating subject was made more comprehensive and sophisticated once I learnt and started to develop the chakras. These are various energy centres in the body that correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs.
They can be experienced through different practices and then embodied as a permanent part of the self. Chakras and related energy are part of who I am now, increasing awareness of my body and feelings, a new lens to help make sense of reality.
Writing about the chakras can only be put in the context of energy. It seems we have, at least, chemical energy to synthesise new molecules, mechanical for muscle contractions, and electrical to power the cells. Moreover, the human energy field, or biofield, is thought to be composed of a set of energy bands that graduate in colour and frequency as they move outward from the physical body. As far as 5 and up to 8 feet, or 2.4 metres. This is fascinating already isn’t it?
Just a quick note. This is a scientific matter, not just a spiritual one. A subject that is studied scientifically (very little) and could be studied a lot more, see here. As a real truth seeker, I necessarily have to go beyond what’s mainstream and don’t need the validation of this currently pharma led and imperfect version of science. Particularly when there are so many ancient sources of knowledge describing the chakras, and we can empirically experience them, directly.
In traditional medicine and eastern practices, energy is a major component of our organism and strong, balanced and harmonious energy is deemed essential for good health. Prana, qi, vitality are a major aspect of being alive, they represent life itself. In this context, working with the chakras is working with energy, prana, qi or life force.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or cycle. In yogic knowledge, it is said there could be 112 “energy wheels” in the body, or even more, but 7 major chakras can be easily identified and are more often used as objects of investigation and practice.
My experience of the chakras is linked to a type of yoga where you hold the asanas (physical positions) for longer, typically 3 to 5 minutes and focus on the stillness of the body, while visualising streams of energy entering the space where a specific chakra is located.
This visualisation is crucial as the mind and nervous system have the perception of the chakra being activated. This sensation feels very real and it is physiologically real, as the more you practise, the more you connect with this feeling of chakra opening, the more the body draws energy on that specific spot you are visualising.
The more this is embedded in your physical and mental self, the more It becomes part of you. The chakras and related energy is another aspect of “you”, beyond body and mind.
You intuitively know what I am talking about as feelings and sensations in the body are part of everyone’s life. A close friend or partner gives you a tight hug and you feel warming in the chest, or the heart opening. Popular language refers to having a “gut feeling”. You might be anxiously expecting a certain outcome or result with a tightness, a lump, in the throat.
Feeling horney or aroused? That’s the second chakra activating and pulling in energy, blood and resources to your reproductive organs.
Moving from reactive sensations and feelings to cultivating psychological and energetic states of awesomeness is possible.
We all have different predispositions and people might feel connected with one type of energy/emotion more than others.
The first 3 chakras are related to survival, competition, reproduction, pleasure and social engagement. All sort of problems and trauma are associated with these basic life necessities, which translates in energy being denser, heavier at the level of these lower centres. The news and common narratives are there to reinforce these feelings of scarcity and separation and many people almost literally live from the first 3 chakras.
Many practices seek initially to create space, purify or lighten these areas of the body, by moving energy up, Kundalini yoga style, or rebalancing energies towards the heart chakra or higher levels of the being.
In everyday life I might have to deal with a sensation of discomfort related to lack of money and financial security. I now intellectually know this type of energy has to do with the first chakra, the root, and I can do something about it, change the way I experience life.
A friend isn’t getting back to me, or excluding me from the invitation list to her birthday party. This is a matter of the second chakra. If I can pull the energy up to the heart, love and compassion for my friend and myself makes for a much better feeling.
I understand this knowledge isn’t mainstream or commonly known, let alone taught in school.
As society very slowly catches up with the reality of the chakras, thousands of years of knowledge and expertise can be tapped into right now. Tantric yoga, “chakras” yoga, Kundalini yoga, different types of breathwork and meditation, Reiki, and other eastern practices are becoming more available to everyone.
Literature covering the subject can be found online and if you are a seeker of truth, into personal development and self discovery, learning how to connect and then master your energy must be the rational choice, the normal thing to do. Particulalry if you are often sick or feel “low energy” you gotta learn how to increase your vitality, life force, body energy. Start learning about the chakras.
An author I find really amazing is Dr Joe Dispenza. He can render this somewhat esoteric spiritual knowledge into simple yet powerful meditations, explaining it scientifically and in a format which is very easy to understand.
Watch this YouTube video here and sign up to a yoga class in your city, or come to Koh Phangan to explore yourself in a new and almost magical way.