What do you need in life? Do you actually know? Knowing what you need is half the problem solved. I really think, or maybe I know that lots of us lack in something of great importance. This is a need so crucial and so obviously neglected, it seems strange more people don’t realise they are missing something so fundamental. In our smart society of skyscrapers, high speed Internet, artificial intelligence, science and progress, how can so many well to do, intelligent and accomplished types not see it? But then I couldn’t see it myself. I lived in London, one of the centres of the productive, innovative, modern World for years and couldn’t see what I was missing, what I didn’t have.
I am not writing about the needs that are typically associated with what some people categorise as the unprivileged, the underclass or the poor. Thank goodness a lot of us have these basic needs met. I am thinking of the accomplished looking Western man or woman, full-time employed, living in well to do areas with many material possessions. What society and the media would identify as the successful ones, with a nice house, nice car, nice clothes, nice holidays and a new phone every year, all sort of material possessions.
I remember having stuff and, particularly being based in London, having access to plenty of leisure and entertainment. So much energy and intention went into my job and career, I was doing what I was supposed to do, yet I’d feel tired, exhausted and depleted. And the fruit of that effort, money, I’d spend on weekend entertainment that distracted but didn’t nourish me. Rich food, strong flavours, stimulants like wine and alcohol are easily consumed as treats to help escape a half full, half empty reality.
Actually what I needed, what many people need, is not stimulants and entertainment and more material goods. We all need nourishing for a part of us which is very important, yet often neglected or even negated.
I am talking about the Soul, the spirit, our life force or energy, Qi (Chi) or Prana. When so much effort is spent working and doing chores, fitting in an often unbalancing and wearing structure to fulfil the needs of society, we are left with money but can feel stressed, disconnected, a little unhappy. What the modern person needs, more than stimulants and consumerism, is time and space away from a Soul-crushing routine, to cultivate the immaterial.
We are very lucky to be able to afford things and to have the means for material security and comfort. Houses, cars, clothes are great to have and abundance will hopefully benefit more of us. But material possessions, if obtained giving up much of our time and effort, are unfortunately not enough to live a fulfilled life.
What I think the conscious man and woman of the future will want more and more, is an ability to reconnect with themselves, with their true self, the higher self. Activities and pursuits that boost their vitality, spirit, life force will become more apparently important. To be truly happy and successful, Someone once said, both the material and the immaterial aspects of life need to be taken into consideration. Nourish your Soul, grow your vitality and you will experience more positive emotions and well-being and this will resonate to people around too. And then Minimalism is a wonderful thing. And Nature is the ultimate luxury.