On Feeling Safe
Do you tend to feel safe or the world is full of dangers? Safe is on everyone’s lips lately. Keep safe, stay safe, be safe. So I asked myself, what does it actually mean, to be safe. Safe’s definition is… Continue Reading
Do you tend to feel safe or the world is full of dangers? Safe is on everyone’s lips lately. Keep safe, stay safe, be safe. So I asked myself, what does it actually mean, to be safe. Safe’s definition is… Continue Reading
Do we live in a world of hyped morality, identity politics and form over substance? Everything seems to have been made political and a lot of people absolutely love one camp and absolutely hate the opposite side. Race, gender, freedom,… Continue Reading
Life is uncertain, we know when it started, we don’t know when it will end. And most things in between are uncharted territory we have to discover and live through. If guilt ruins our present moment for something that happened… Continue Reading